Monday, December 1, 2014

Elder Tyler Stone

Dear Family,
This week...
   We had a great Thanksgiving this week! A lot of turkey and stuff. Last year we had a lot of food when I was in Compton but it was more of Hispanic food like Mole and Spanish spaghetti. It was definitely tasty and it was a fun experience but there's nothing like a nice turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy and rolls... Mmmm. This year we had a few different people invite us over to eat dinner and they all had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and as you can imagine, I was thankful. (: It is slowly but surely starting to get a little bit colder here in California so it's starting to feel a little bit more like the holiday seasons. I'm also very thankful for that!
   Another cool fact about this Thanksgiving is that we had a surprise meeting as an entire mission before our usual district meeting. It was focused on a campaign type thing that the church is doing right now called "He is the Gift" or in Spanish "El es la Dadiva". The church made a super powerful short little video about how during this season of Christmas we should focus on the Savior and how He is the true gift of Christmas. The focus of Christmas as we are all well aware is slowly becoming the gifts that are given but the Spirit of Christmas comes into our lives when we focus more on the Savior and why we should be celebrating in the first place. The church has made that video and this next Sunday they are going to be "taking over Youtube". The plan is that on December 7th if you log onto youtube the first video that you are going to see advertized across the home page is the "He is the Gift" video. The church estimates that around 220 million people are going to log onto youtube on that day and are going to be able to watch that video. Another thing they are doing is they have bought a spot on Time Square in New York to advertize every day in the month of December. The church really isn't messing around! The meeting we had was for us to help be aware that a lot of people are going to see this video and they want us talking to every body about how Christ is the reason for Christmas. They have cards that they gave us to pass out too and we have started sharing them with everybody! It has been nice because it is an awesome way to start talking with people and help them remember that we follow Jesus Christ. The other cool thing about it is that this isn't just for missionaries! Everybody has the chance to share this message. In the Ensign for December there is an article that talks about this video and gives 9 pass along cards to share with friends and family. The invitation that I want to leave is to find 9 specific people to share these cards with. After seeing the video it actually motivates you to want to share it with others so it shouldn't be too hard! (: Go watch it sometime today! It's awesome!
Well I am officially in my last transfer of my mission. It's kind of a bittersweet moment. I am staying here in Whittier and I will be staying with Elder Allowitz as my companion. Now our job is just to work hard to the end! (:
I love you all!
Love Elder Stone

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