Hello family and friends.
i actually have a while to write you guys so maybe this letter will be a bit longer.
I am happy to say that if all goes well (and we are doing everything in our power so that it does go well) we will have a baptism this Sunday. His name is juan carlos and truthfully he is a miracle. He is the worker for one of the members here and when we first started teaching him he was truly a man without faith nor (so he says) need of God. But something we have seen is that he was very humble and really wanted to learn. It started out slow first with faith that took a day. Then repentance another, Prayer almost two. But then the miracle happened and boom he started learning left and right. His prayers improved and since then he has only grown in faith and knowledge of the church. It’s amazing how God has prepared even the non-believers as the book of Mormon calls them. That and we and the brother who first introduced us, are convinced that God sent us for a reason. i say it’s because my companion and me both like music and so does our investigator.. The brother says its because me and my comp are full of the love of Christ and knowledge of the gospel. in the end who knows.
Something interesting this week, my comp had a I meeting with all the district leaders zones leaders and assistant’s., and im talking the old assistant. AP. I start telling him how i think its amazing how in the book of Mormon, there are so many other people that the laminites could have battled with but they focused on the nephites because that’s what God told Nephi he would do to remind them of the gospel. So the assistant looks up at me and says "there were more than just the nephrites and Lamanites ." i explain how at least the people of zarahemla and the last of the jaredites where around until the book of Mosiah and how it was with that king that they found zarahemla and just a bit before the jaradites were killed. He then says "the book of mormon isn’t true." he clarified that he was joking but it was nice to see that it doesn’t matter if your assistant or junior companion there is always something more you can learn.
Last night we had our first family ward night. it was a blast. we talked about the Sabbath day and autosuficiencia.(sorry dont know how to spell that in english.) then did a game after words. it was fun and we all left better than when we came. Makes me sad that i won’t be here for another. The bishop says that he only wants one every three months cause if not the members just get bored.
well thats my week love you all
Edler Barlow